
November - December 2024 MAIN CATEGORIES Best FilmWinner: The Keys - Chris Spargo - United Kingdom Best International FilmWinner: Whenever You're Ready - Chimaobim Nathan - United KingdomHonorable Mention: Notas de Cambio - Mauricio Uribarri - Mexico Best American FilmWinner: Old well - Andrés

OFFICIAL SELECTION (These films will be screened) – For “Best Film of the Season” Movie Director Country Take Your Hands Off! Niyazi Özyurt Turkey Le dita Viola Folador Italy Soul Flyers – Wingsuit au coeur de l’île de la Réunion Thibault Gachet France The Mail Thief Abbas Abbas, Mhamad Hamadan Eidy Lebanon Insetti Greta Zamparini Italy Bubbles Meri Dishnica Italy Nominees for